DIARY Kissa Sins 15097 views


But don’t get it twisted, I love being a cunt when the times right. It’s not like I walk around all day with a giant chip on my shoulder from my shitty childhood; I’m nice as fuck. I’m by far one of the nicest and most nurturing people that I know and give absolutely all of myself to people. I just don’t take shit from anyone. Well, okay, and perhaps go way too far when I’m in too deep in love with someone and they hurt my feelings. BUT besides that, I love myself for being the cunt I am when absolutely anyone tries to take advantage of me or anyone I love.

Part of growing up in an abusive household and watching my mother allow all these men to treat her as badly as they did made me realize that I never wanna be like that. I remember watching her get hit in the face and then apologize for it and I remember saying to myself, I WILL NEVER BE LIKE THAT. And I’ve carried that with me into adulthood… I don’t take shit from people, I don’t let people walk all over me, and I love that about myself. So I think what I need to do is find a balance between being a total cunt when I’m afraid of love and figure out how to only be a cunt when it’s necessary. The Good Cunt, if you will.

I think being passive and polite all the time is overrated and dishonest and does no one any good. I like the balls my childhood equipped me with, and I love myself for standing up for myself all the time. I can’t stand watching people get taken advantage of, even more than when someone takes advantage of me. I can’t handle it, I don’t know why anyone would want to. At the end of the day, it’s vulnerability in love that I need to work on. Having the reputation of “she’s the nicest girl in the world, but don’t fuck with her” doesn’t sound that bad to me.

Love always, Kissa Sins

Coyotelovesyou. A Blog by Kissa Sins
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